Walker Fairway offers consulting, interim and contract support to clients on OD, HR, strategic culture change and engagement, diversity and inclusion, strategy, policy, communications and transformation to improve engagement and customer focus in government, the NHS, the third sector and industry. Our Values Fairness | Focus | Flair Fair approaches for all | Focused, calm delivery Flair and creativity, engaging people in their future

About image
What we do - Develop fair options for clients, delivery partners and stakeholders.
  • We coach, enthuse and energise people to deliver successfully and confidently, ensuring customers, patients and citizens are at the centre of all that you do.

  • We have been there and done it –  we know what works and what doesn’t, from our work across the UK in a variety of regions, companies, organisations facing similar challenges.

  • We can review your current strategy, assess what you need to do, analyse why change programmes have stalled and recommend how to recover them to achieve true transformation.

What we don't do

  • Impose our methods on you. We understand your situation and aims first, then with you we develop a strategy or approach that feels right for you, your organisations and its challenges.

  • Use consultancy-speak. Instead we use plain English, straight to the point.

  • Leave you on your own. We can support you when making that presentation, explaining changes to staff and influencing stakeholders to support improved policies or strategies.